• OOIDA 1 NW OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
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  • Trucking Policy


    Fighting For Truckers

    Stop Speed Limiter Mandates!

    The DRIVE Act (H.R. 3039 in the House and S. 2671 in the Senate) would prevent FMCSA from advancing any… Read more.

    Fighting For Truckers

    Tell Lawmakers to Support the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act

    70% of American freight is moved by truck, but there is currently only one parking spot available for every eleven… Read more.

    Fighting For Truckers

    Repeal the Fair Labor Standards Act Overtime Exemption

    Truckers frequently work 50, 60, or even 70 hours a week to get their job done. But unbelievably, federal law… Read more.

    Fighting For Truckers

    Oppose Increases to Minimum Insurance Levels!

    Oppose H.R. 6884, the Fair Compensation for Truck Crash Victims Act. Tell your lawmakers that raising your insurance requirements is… Read more.

    Fighting For Truckers

    Protect Yourself From Broker Fraud!

    Unequal broker rules hurt small businesses and give shady brokers an unfair advantage. Carriers have to provide information about their… Read more.

    Fighting For Truckers

    Give Truckers The Restroom Access They Deserve

    The Trucker Bathroom Access Act would ensure that drivers have access to restroom facilities when they are picking up or… Read more.

  • The number of members in the Association allows OOIDA to continue representing the nation’s small business truckers. Our large membership gives us the financial depth to hang on for the long haul in court cases. Our large membership gives us ‘weight’ when it comes time to let Washington, D.C., know how truckers feel about their industry.