• OOIDA 1 NW OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
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  • Contact Your Representative

    Get Connected and Be Heard

    What happens in Washington, D.C., is critical to your trucking business. It’s important to have an ongoing conversation with your lawmakers on issues that affect you. But, it’s even more important when legislation and amendments are being proposed and voted on.

    There are a number of ways to get in touch with your lawmakers. Below are a couple of generic ways you can call or write. However, to avoid with going through the Capitol switchboard, just add your ZIP code to the search field on the right. You’ll find your federal lawmakers and their phone numbers. Save them to your phone, better yet, add them to your speed dial.

    Let them know that you aren’t afraid to get involved and make a call on critical trucking issues.

    Congressional phone number
    You can call the Capitol switchboard operator at 202-224-3121 to be transferred the office of any representative or senator. All you have to do is provide the operator your home ZIP code.

    Be sure to try to reach your legislators at their district offices when they are not in D.C. Contact information can be found on their congressional website, on their social media page, or in the local phone book under the government section.

    Congressional addresses
    You need to know only two addresses to send letters to your U.S. representative and senators, no matter who they are.

    For Senators:
    The Honorable (full name here)
    U.S. Senate
    Washington, DC 20510

    For Representatives:
    The Honorable (full name here)
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

  • The number of members in the Association allows OOIDA to continue representing the nation’s small business truckers. Our large membership gives us the financial depth to hang on for the long haul in court cases. Our large membership gives us ‘weight’ when it comes time to let Washington, D.C., know how truckers feel about their industry.

